(click on them to see where they were adopted from!)
ðŠī games, fun, and more!
kidpixðŋïļmewlab paintðŋgraphicsgale
astronomy pic. of the dayðŋradio.gardenðŋmusical time machine
petz 4ðŋstellariumðŋrocks
size of spaceðŋorb.farmðŋdrivemeinsane.com
29a.chðŋkitten camðŋweavesilk
100,000 starsðŋeyebleach.meðŋdrawing.garden
windowswapðŋmr. doobðŋforestopia
library of babelðŋinternet arcadeðŋsandspiel
butterfly breederðŋcat simðŋcooking with cat
texturetown playroomðŋrandom street viewðŋmyretrotvs
clicktheredbuttonðŋinfinite chefðŋtalksmi
deathgeneratorðŋdog-house's ACNH villager quizðŋlittle chef
ð mental health
a soft murmurðrainy moodðcalm sound
psychosis coping mechanismsð7cupsðadvice on calming yourself
the hopelineð"oh no, i'm having a bad thought"ðacts of kindness
random reasons to liveðself-care starter kitðinternational hotline #s
open source wheelchairsðtheDIYtherapistðplacehold